Once you grow older, there are more and more things on your list which you have to accomplished before reaching certain age. Going to college then University, Getting a reasonanle job, Getting your first car, Moving out, Relatioship, Getting a better job with better pay, Buying a flat or house, Getting married, Having children, Saving money for the next generation, Taking care of the elder, Taking care of your partner, Buying a family car, ......etc and etc.
I sometimes feel my time is running out, im under pressured to deliver-both in my job and life.
I've been seeing someone for almost 7 years, what happen now? I don't want to get married but we are just going nowhere, i cannot see where we are heading. Is time running out, should i settle down?
To stay or to go home? I've been working for a few years now away from home, and i left home almost 5 years, is it time to go home? do i want to go home? how long can i stay? How long do i want to keep doing this job? I want to do my own stuffs eventually, and is it the right time now? If i start later, there will be more things to juggle in my life compare to now. Is time running out?
I want to travel travel and travel, but i can't seem to find the time and money, im afraid if i leave here eventually, is not going to be easy to come back again. Is time running out?
Once you grow older, you are feeling more attached to certain place, and finding it hard to adjust to new environment, finding it hard to change your bad habit. Should i move to somewhere else sooner and start all over again? is time running out?
I don't know, i guess even it runs out, i will not regret for the decision i have made so far.
1 comment:
haha...because we're greedy, in a way. anyway, no regrets is the only best thing u can have in life~
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